Welcome! This platform has been created for active members of the global organic cotton community to share conversations, knowledge and information about organic and fair-trade cotton.
It is open to all interested people having a stake in the organic and fair-trade cotton area. There is no fee to participate. Just register and your account will be activated for log-in. Once registered you have full access to all previous discussions.
As a Member of the Global Organic Cotton Community Space, you can look forward to:
In recent years HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, ICCO (Dutch Interchurch Organisation for Development Co-operation) and Textile Exchange (formerly known as Organic Exchange) intensified their collaboration in the area of organic and fair-trade cotton, in order to use synergies and work more efficiently by exchanging information and by learning from each others’ experiences.
They felt the need to have additional tools and processes to exchange views, opinions and experiences on their work, both among themselves and with other people working in the organic cotton sector. So they decided to establish and run a web platform to exchange knowledge and information on organic and fair-trade cotton complementing face to face meetings.
In 2008 Helvetas, ICCO and SECO (Swiss state secretariat for economic affairs) assured co-funding to bring the Global Organic Cotton Community Space into being. The web platform went live in June 2009 and is managed by the Organic & Fairtrade Competence Centre of Helvetas and by Textile Exchange.
The main language is English, but participants can also contribute in Spanish or French. Discussions will occasionally be summarised in the three languages by the facilitator, but individual contributions cannot be translated.
Butthere are tools for translating web-pages into some of the more common international languages include: Babelfish and Google Translate. These tools will provide an idea of what is written but cannot be expected to be exact translations.
In principle the Global Organic Cotton Community is open to everybody. However, to make sure that everybody feels comfortable, we set up a code of conduct describing our principles:
How to use the web platform? (pdf, 260KB)
Flyer to announce the Global Organic Cotton Web Platform (pdf)
Community of Practice, a definition
HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation
Textile Exchange (formerly known as Organic Exchange)
Organic & Fairtrade Competence Centre
Just send a message to:
This platform is a joint project by ICCO, SECO, Textile Exchange and HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation. For any queries please contact: [email protected].